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Glasgow Works:Rep... 3413 16:47, 02 of Feb 2009 SC318250 2 January 09 completed 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3536 14:57, 31 of Jan 2008 SC318250 4 January 08 Completed 3 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3381 16:43, 02 of Feb 2010 SC318250 2 Jan completed 1 1
Class 321 8369 22:02, 23 of Jan 2016 Dysgraphyk 16 info transferred to other pages 15 0
Diagrams:The Roya... 284 23:05, 30 of May 2016 Dysgraphyk 1 info from message 439351 0 1
Times:Wee Dram To... 1301 14:27, 25 of May 2009 Dysgraphyk 1 in case it happens to run.... 0 5
Class 25 26599 23:44, 19 of Sep 2016 Dysgraphyk 7 HA 1977 allocation amended. 6 6
Class 185 Route C... 12316 19:19, 24 of Sep 2009 Dysgraphyk 10 GLC p4 ok. 9 9
GBRf 16098 23:44, 13 of Feb 2009 Dysgraphyk 11 Glasgow works contract 9 24
Diagrams:ScotRail... 208 23:38, 06 of Aug 2023 Dysgraphyk 4 Formatting tweak 1 2