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NBL Diesel Shunters 188 23:56, 05 of Sep 2024 Dysgraphyk 2 Added web links 1 2
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2590 09:45, 05 of Mar 2014 SC318250 2 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3343 08:17, 30 of Oct 2009 SC318250 2 October finalised 1 1
Class 334 Relivery 4125 21:38, 15 of Jan 2011 SC318250 2 1 0
Colas Rail 6935 12:58, 26 of Jan 2014 Dysgraphyk 2 Noted some of the traffic. 1 8
Times:6D09 2596 09:09, 02 of Oct 2009 67007 2 1 1
Class 210 9672 20:08, 25 of Aug 2014 Dysgraphyk 2 Trial runs in Scotland, 1983 1 2
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3788 11:20, 01 of Sep 2007 class47man 2 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2581 19:55, 03 of Jan 2014 SC318250 2 1 1
Diagrams:Class 38... 404 17:48, 15 of Dec 2011 admin 2 1 2