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Glasgow Works:Rep... 2709 17:48, 05 of Feb 2015 SC318250 3 2 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3623 19:04, 31 of Jan 2011 SC318250 2 typo fixed 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3320 14:18, 03 of Jan 2011 SC318250 3 320302 indate added 2 1
Class 156 FSR Ref... 13181 10:31, 22 of Mar 2014 SC318250 71 70 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3241 08:01, 01 of May 2010 SC318250 2 April complete 1 1
Diagrams:Class 33... 289 05:40, 15 of May 2011 SC318250 1 Class 334 Weekend moved 0 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3646 18:16, 02 of Mar 2011 SC318250 1 Feb 11 Completed 0 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3177 17:38, 03 of Dec 2009 SC318250 3 Nov complete 2 1
Diagrams:Class 17... 2598 21:26, 10 of Dec 2011 SC318250 43 42 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3283 14:09, 03 of Jan 2011 SC318250 6 156514 added in to works 5 1