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Glasgow Works:Rep... 2523 22:21, 12 of Oct 2014 SC318250 2 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2863 15:19, 09 of Oct 2013 SC318250 2 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3107 10:01, 05 of Oct 2012 SC318250 2 September moved 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3280 11:52, 02 of Oct 2011 SC318250 2 September completed 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3356 06:21, 02 of Oct 2010 SC318250 2 Sept completed 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3123 08:51, 14 of Oct 2009 class47man 5 4 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3803 13:28, 26 of Dec 2008 class47man 6 5 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3634 13:52, 13 of Oct 2007 class47man 4 3 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2766 17:54, 05 of Feb 2015 SC318250 4 3 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2840 16:46, 11 of Nov 2013 SC318250 4 3 1