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Glasgow Works:Rep... 4332 13:42, 02 of Feb 2013 SC318250 5 error fixed 4 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3053 22:12, 13 of Feb 2013 SC318250 6 5 1
Diagrams:Class 33... 889 22:18, 10 of Dec 2011 SC318250 1 0 2
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2997 19:42, 01 of Apr 2013 SC318250 2 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3252 21:11, 31 of Dec 2011 SC318250 3 2 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3242 16:10, 04 of Jun 2011 SC318250 2 May moved 1 1
Diagrams:Class 15... 1058 20:49, 10 of Dec 2011 SC318250 1 0 2
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2941 20:59, 03 of Jan 2014 SC318250 4 3 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2951 00:39, 05 of Dec 2012 SC318250 2 1 1
Class 318 Final W... 4600 20:26, 05 of Jul 2011 SC318250 15 14 0