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Class 210 9670 20:08, 25 of Aug 2014 Dysgraphyk 2 Trial runs in Scotland, 1983 1 2
Times:Classic Tou... 925 23:49, 13 of May 2013 Dysgraphyk 4 Timings added 3 4
Times:Fife Circle... 13602 15:54, 06 of Aug 2015 Dysgraphyk 11 Timings (27/07/2015 until 11/12/2015) 10 6
RHTT 37362 00:27, 23 of Oct 2014 Dysgraphyk 34 Times for Autumn 2014 33 13
Times:Routes and ... 2370 22:10, 18 of Aug 2008 Dysgraphyk 1 tidied up times 0 1
Stirling Alloa Ki... 13393 00:08, 24 of Dec 2008 Dysgraphyk 14 The Line has reopened. 13 3
Class 43 Inter7Ci... 9941 19:15, 21 of Dec 2019 Dysgraphyk 26 The last pair, 43142 + 43144 return to Haymarket. 25 1
Charter Trains 2007 21161 11:43, 31 of Dec 2007 Dysgraphyk 126 The Electric Scot Farewell cancelled 125 24
Times:Alcans 5338 06:46, 23 of Jul 2012 GuyHouston 17 SuO 6Y45 times tweaked 16 1
Royal Scotsman 2019 5528 16:29, 22 of Oct 2019 Dysgraphyk 12 Sun 27th Departure from Gleneagles 11 8