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Glasgow Works:Rep... 3277 11:52, 02 of Oct 2011 SC318250 2 September completed 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3118 14:45, 25 of Aug 2011 SC318250 2 move to correct month 1 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3160 10:42, 11 of Sep 2011 SC318250 5 158867 added 4 1
Class 322 Handove... 4810 18:39, 30 of Jul 2011 SC318250 17 16 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 3035 19:16, 11 of Mar 2013 SC318250 9 8 1
Class 60 43889 18:27, 20 of Jan 2020 SC318250 124 60006 scrapped 123 5
Class 318 Inciden... 7887 16:35, 06 of Sep 2007 SC318250 5 318254 Derailment 4 1
Glasgow Works:Rep... 2579 19:55, 03 of Jan 2014 SC318250 2 1 1
Class 325 Formations 8222 16:37, 04 of Apr 2012 SC318250 15 14 1
Glasgow Works:Old... 13063 17:25, 05 of May 2015 SC318250 80 79 2