Photos » Major Projects - Airdrie to Bathgate
Photos showing work on the Airdrie - Bathgate Rail Link Project
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- Slack wires at Bathgate by des
- Hillend Loch fishing club footbridge by des
- Near the fishing club by des
- Caldercruix by des
- Drumgelloch by des
- Airdrie Station by des
- Set 320321 "The Rt Hon John Smith QC MP" at Airdrie Station by des
- IMG_1453.JPG by darrel
- A-B_TestTrain4 by Harvie
- A-B_TestTrain3 by Harvie
- A-B_TestTrain2 by Harvie
- airdrie 15 june 2010 by darrel
- IMG_2587.jpg by jmy
- jmy_21032008_2612.jpg by jmy
- jmy110308_1232.jpg by jmy
- jmy_15112007_2512.jpg by jmy
- jmy_15112007_2500.jpg by jmy
- IMG_3922.jpg by jmy
- IMG_3934.jpg by jmy
- IMG_2628.jpg by jmy
- IMG_3929.jpg by jmy
- IMG_2640.jpg by jmy
- "Thats one BIG lampost!" by Danny
- A new waiting room at Uphall by Danny
- Tamper At Uphall by Danny
- New footpath at Uphall Station by Danny
- 60021 'Star of The East' at Uphall by Danny
- 2008_03110030.JPG by bigbuck
- Guess Location 3. 31190..jpg by DAH
- Guess location 2. 66006.jpg by DAH
- Guess Location 1. 66712..jpg by DAH
- Livi North 22/10/07 by Andrew
- View from Kingsridge West O/B looking East on 22/10/07 by Andrew
- View from Kingsridge West O/B looking West 22/10/07 by Andrew
- Under Camps Rigg O/B 22/10/07 by Andrew
- Camps Rigg O/B 22/10/07 by Andrew
- Uphall Station 22/10/07 (2) by Andrew
- Uphall Station 22/10/07 by Andrew
- Roman Camp 22/10/07 by Andrew
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